Easy and Fast Ways to Quit Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is a practice that is profusely difficult to quit. But if you continue smoking till a late age, you are unknowingly causing great damage to your overall health. Excessive smoking is responsible for resulting in serious pulmonary disorders that may greatly affect your respiratory system. Besides, if you do not quit smoking, then you are likely to develop acute cardiovascular diseases and problems in the overall functioning of the body that may affect your health and will steadily decrease your immunity. In fact, it has been found that chain-smoking or active smoking is the most crucial reason for developing lung and oral cancer. So it is highly essential to quits smoking today.
Why is Smoking Dangerous To Your Health?
Cigarettes contain substances like tobacco, tar, and nicotine. These substances when taken in through smoking, you are susceptible to developing a good number of health problems that can prove to be lethal in the future. Excessive smoking habits lead to the development of scars and severe damages in your lungs and mouth cavities that can potentially develop into the lung and oral cancer at later ages. Moreover, heavy smoking leads to fluctuations in moods causes anxiety and irritability, and often affects the menstruation cycle in the case of women. Chain-smoking is often known to cause high chances of severe heart diseases and high blood pressure along with increased levels of blood sugar leading to the development of diabetes and weak immunity.
There are certain ways that will definitely help you to cut down on heavy smoking and make you live a happy and healthy life, free from diseases.
Some of them are listed below:
1. Take Preparations Before Quitting:
To quit smoking, you have to have prior preparations because smoking has been your addiction for a long time. If you force the process of withdrawal, then you might get into serious traumatic conditions that can worsen your mental state. So it is necessary to be mentally prepared to quit smoking or any other addiction. This prior preparation will be helpful for you to remove the effect of nicotine from your body and brain and help in the faster withdrawal of cigarettes. If you feel, in any case, that you are facing difficulties in preparing yourself mentally to quit smoking then positively visit a registered medical practitioner who may help you with necessary medications and counseling. Try to attend anti-smoking campaigns or quit-smoking classes and apps to prepare yourself up before you feel confident to quit smoking.
2. Choose For Nicotine Substitution Therapy:
Cigarettes are filled with harmful components like tar, nicotine, and tobacco that pose high levels of risks to your health. When you are planning to quit smoking, it is important to seek therapy that will help you to go through the withdrawal process easily. This is because the components in cigarettes contain substances that are responsible for causing addiction. If you were an active smoker and planning to quit smoking now, then sudden withdrawal of nicotine can lead to several issues that might disrupt your mental state, causing headaches, rapid mood swings, fatigue, and draining away of energy.
It is during this time one feels to have ‘just one but this is absolutely wrong to bend to such craving. In this case, you should go for a nicotine- substitution or nicotine replacement therapy through which you will easily get to know how to give up smoking tirelessly. If necessary, you can also substitute smoking with nicotine gums or lozenges that will gradually enhance the process of giving up smoking.
3. Take Medicines To Quit Smoking:
When you find it difficult to quit smoking faster and smoothly, then your medical caregiver might prescribe you some important medicines that are necessary to help the process go smoothly. Medicines that help to give up smoking do so by first reducing your urge to crave or it and gradually removing the strong addictive effect of nicotine from your mind and body. Moreover, medicines containing components such as Chantix or Zyban help to make the process of withdrawal much smoother by lowering down the side effects of sudden withdrawal-like rapid mood swings, depression, restlessness, or headache, and thus lowers the craving when you pick up a cigarette.
These chemical components and medications are filled with essential components that change the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for the addictive sensation and thus make the withdrawal an easy process. You can undoubtedly take these medications while undergoing a nicotine substitution process but that should be done positively under the supervision of your registered health care provider.
4. Seek Relaxation Therapies
Besides nicotine substitution therapies, one may also go for relaxation therapies to ease the harsh mental effects during the withdrawal period. This will help in a faster withdrawal mechanism.
One main reason behind smoking is a relation. But if you get relaxed through therapies or other processes like resting, listening to music, hanging out with friends, or cooking your favorite dish, then you will get to quit smoking faster and more easily.
5. Keep Your Surroundings Clean And Free From Cigarette Smell
Before quitting cigarettes first clean your surroundings. Remove the ashtrays wash your clothes, curtains and clean your doormats so that you can keep away the smell of cigarettes. You may also spray some air fresheners in your room to keep it clean and tidy and remove the smoke and its odor.
6. Set Your Deadline To Quit
There are people who, though try to give up smoking, cannot reach the date when they smoke their last. So it is very crucial to set a deadline for yourself that will help to push you to quit your smoking habits and after which you will not crave for the ‘just one more.
7. Avoid Alcohol or Any Other Triggers
When you are planning to give up tobacco, do not be lured by any urge of having alcohol or any other triggers of tobacco. Do not set yourself for smoking relapse. It is important to distract yourself from tobacco to quit smoking easily.
8. Increase Healthy Physical Activities
Experts say that when you engage your body in several sorts of physical activities, you are likely to give up the cravings for smoking. Engage yourselves in healthy physical activities like jogging, walking, swimming, and various squatting exercises that will not only keep your body healthy but can also help to give up smoking easily.
9. Switch To Healthy Eating And Sleeping Habits
Give up unhealthy diets to quit smoking faster. Experts say that it is important to have a balanced diet full of all the essential vitamins, proteins, and minerals along with a sound sleep of at least 8 hours a day will surely help you to prevent the urge of smoking.
10. Reward Yourself For Quitting
Giving up smoking is undoubtedly a great achievement and a milestone that will certainly ensure your better health and a disease-free body. Try to celebrate this achievement and set a reward to gift yourself once you succeed in the program of quitting smoking. This will surely increase your urge of putting down cigarettes faster and easier. Try to save the money with which you were buying cigarettes and gift yourself a reward with it once you succeed to quit smoking.
11. Remember That Quitting Smoking Is Health Beneficial
As discussed earlier, smoking will definitely cause great damage to your mind and body, so it is highly essential to quit smoking as fast as possible. The moment you quit smoking, you will keep getting the health benefits that will be beneficial for both your mind and body and the overall functioning of your health. You will definitely feel that your lung is getting back to its healthier form and the levels of toxic gases in your body will start dropping within just a few days. You need to remember that once you quit smoking, your body will significantly lower the risks of developing harmful heart diseases or cardiovascular-related disorders, or chances of developing lung or oral cancer.
12. Choose Alternate Therapies
Apart from undergoing nicotine replacement therapy, one can also seek some other alternate processes for giving up smoking. These types of alternative therapies will help to combine the relaxation of both the mind and the body that will gradually take you to quit tobacco intake. The processes that are included in alternative therapies are as follows:
- hypnosis
- acupuncture
- meditation
13. Think About Your Families
When you smoke, you are putting not only your own life in danger, but you are also risking the lives of those, mainly your beloved ones who are largely dependent on you. Heavy smoking leads to the development of cancer and many other life-threatening diseases that can lead to an untimely end to your life and make your life and make your beloved ones suffer. So, think about your loved ones and try quitting smoking.