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12 Healthiest Food to Eat in the Morning

12 Healthiest Food to Eat in the Morning
April 17, 2024

The beginning of your day should start with a scrumptious but healthy breakfast. The sunrise is for some new adventures and what better ways to kick start it than food. From our childhood, we have been told to never skip breakfast. However, what’s more, important is giving your body its first meal packed with nutrients and vitamins. Having an unhealthy breakfast will only make your body deprived of what it needs.

Having a well-balanced wholesome breakfast will provide you energy throughout the day and make you eat in moderation.

Here are some of the most excellent foods you can eat in the morning.

1. Eggs

Eggs are unquestionably healthy and delicious.

Eggs are a great source of protein and being nutrient-dense, they are enriched with all the nutrients that a breakfast requires. Egg yolks contain almost all the nutrients required by the body. There was a time when eggs were considered high in cholesterol, however with time whole eggs are making a comeback. It is considered the best food to include in your breakfast. Though, some people faced issues like an increase in the level of bad LDL cholesterol due to a high intake of eggs.

Eggs are the most excellent sources of choline which is an essential nutrient required for brain and liver health. In addition, antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin are present in egg yolks which help to prevent any eye disorders like cataracts and macular degeneration. It is easy to prepare and is less time-consuming, which is a good sign as we are always in a rush in the morning.

An intake of three large eggs can give you as much as 20 grams of high-quality protein.

2. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is creamy, mouth-watering, and wholesome. Greek yogurt is high in protein and helps in reducing appetite and may help in weight loss. Some beneficial probiotics like Bifidobacteria can also be found in Greek yogurt, which helps your gut stay healthy. You can easily know whether it is probiotic or not by simply looking for phrases that contain live and active cultures on the label.

Greek yogurt comes from straining whey and other liquids from milk curds which makes it creamier yogurt that has more protein. It is considered to reduce appetite and has a higher thermic effect than fat or carbs. The thermic effect is simply an increase in metabolic rate that appears after eating.

Full-fat yogurt has conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that helps in fat loss and low break cancer risks. Yogurt is found to be effective for weight loss as they have an increased level of hormones that promote fullness, including PYY and GLP-1.

In short, grab some Greek yogurt on the go for your breakfast and top it with some berries or chopped fruits to increase your meal’s vitamin, mineral, and fiber content.

3. Coffee

Caffeine is a great energy booster to kick-start your day.

Coffee has high caffeine which is great for alertness, mental performance, and improved mood. Just a tiny portion of it can make you all high on energy.

Studies revealed 0.3-4 cups of coffee daily can exceed the benefits of caffeine and lessen the side effects. (1)

Being rich in antioxidants, caffeine can reduce inflation, protect the cells lining your blood vessels and decrease diabetes and liver disease risk. It is best to increase your metabolic rate and burn fat. A study indicates people who consume 100mg of caffeine daily get to burn an excess of 79-150 calories over 24 hours. (2)

4. Oatmeal

If you are a cereal lover, then oatmeal is the best breakfast alternative for you. It has a high source of beta-glucan fiber, which helps in the reduction of cholesterol with an increased feeling of fullness. It also contains antioxidants that help in protecting fatty acids from turning into rancid. These antioxidants are beneficial for heart health and decrease blood pressure.

A cup of cooked oatmeal (approx 235 grams) has only 6 grams of protein which is not a great option for people going for a high protein breakfast. However, you can make it rich with protein by adding milk instead of water while cooking or serving a portion of eggs or a piece of cheese along with it that will fulfill the amount of protein required.

Oats do not have gluten; however, they are processed in the same amenities as gluten grains making them contaminated with other grains, specifically barley. People with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity should ensure who is getting their hands on oats certified as gluten-free. (3)

5. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are extremely nutritious and one of the best sources of fiber around.

Chia seed has created a buzz in the fitness world as it is high in fiber which fills up and aids to reduce appetite making it an effective weight-loss food. Chia seeds are among the most nutritious foods.

Having a high amount of carbohydrates (12 grams per ounce) and 11grams of fiber, chia seed is the best option for weight loss. It is considered a low-carb-friendly food with the best source of fiber. Having an amount of fiber, it can absorb up to 11–12 times its weight in water, turning gel-like and expanding in your stomach.

Consuming chia seeds regularly for a 12-week study reflected a reduction in hunger, improvement in blood sugar and blood pressure. (4)

Chia seeds might not be the best option if you want a higher intake of protein in your breakfast as it only has 4 grams of protein. (5)

Chia seed has a high level of antioxidants and helps your cell to fight against unstable molecules called free radicals that are produced during metabolism.

As per some studies people diagnosed with diabetes can reduce the inflammatory marker CRP by 40% by taking chia seed. Elevated CRP is a serious factor for heart diseases.

You can indulge in the scrumptious chia seed pudding by following this recipe:

High-Protein Chia Seed Pudding


  • 1 ounce (28 grams) of dried chia seeds.
  • 1 scoop of whey protein powder.
  • 1 cup (240 ml) of coconut milk or almond milk.
  • Half a cup of berries.
  • Stevia or another sweetener to taste, if desired.


  • Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  • Cover the bowl and refrigerate and leave it for at least one hour.

6. Berries

Berries are luscious and packed with antioxidants which reduce the risk of diseases.

They are high in fiber and low in calories and have lower sugar levels than other fruits. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are some different types of berries. Berries only have 50-85 calories. A cup full of berries can provide 8 grams of fiber or 120 and 145 grams. (6)

Berries are best to reduce markers of inflammation, prevent blood cholesterol from oxidizing, and keep the cells lining your blood vessels healthy. Berries are also great for the heart and aging better as they have antioxidants called anthocyanins.

You can eat them in whatever you wish for, with Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. They make a great breakfast option.

7. Nuts

Nuts are tasty, satisfying, and nutritious.

Nuts can make a healthy addition to an effective breakfast when consumed in moderation which will help you in your weight loss journey. Despite being high in fat, nuts are not as fattening as mistaken. It can be considered a great snack, a compilation of balanced amounts of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Research shows improvement in metabolic health and weight loss by eating nuts. People consuming nuts are more healthy and leaner than those who do not consume nuts.

Nuts are beneficial in improving heart disease risks, reducing insulin resistance, and decreasing inflammation. It helps people diagnosed with diabetes by replacing the carb portion with 2 ounces (56 grams) of nuts resulting in a reduction in blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. Your body absorbs 129 calories with an intake of a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of almonds.

They are high in magnesium, potassium, and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Brazil nuts are considered the best source of selenium. You can just make any meal delicious and healthy by adding some nuts that provide crunch and flavor while increasing your breakfast’s nutritional value.

8. Green Tea

Green tea is enriched with lots of health benefits. An antioxidant called EGCG found in green tea is beneficial for your brain, nervous system, and heart from damage. Green tea has created a buzz in the fitness world and is considered one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.

Green tea is considered great for people with diabetes. As per some studies, it is concluded that drinking green tea can help you reduce blood sugar and insulin levels. (7)

It has caffeine in it, which is best for improving alertness and mood, along with raising metabolic rate. Green tea contains 35-70mg of caffeine per cup which is half the amount in coffee.

9. Protein Shake

If you want to kick start your day with a high protein intake, then protein shakes, or a smoothie is a fantastic option. It promotes fullness and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

You can get your hands on many different types of protein powder which includes whey, egg, soy, and pea protein. Whey protein works the best for your body. It is the most researched protein powder as it has several health benefits. It is also beneficial to make you feel full as it reduces appetite more than any other form of protein making your next meal low in calories.

Whey protein can be beneficial in reducing blood sugar levels when consumed as part of a carb-containing meal. It can preserve muscle mass during weight loss and aging.

Whatever the types of protein powder you use it will leave you satisfied and filling. You can experiment with it by adding some fruits, nut butter, or seeds that are enriched with fiber and antioxidants.

10. Fruit

Fruit can be an enticing part of a nourishing breakfast.

Fruits are always great for your body and fall under the healthy category. Though fruits contain some sugar, you can easily include them in your breakfast. They’re high in fiber, antioxidants, and various nutrients that slow the rise of blood sugar after meals.

One cup of fruits of any type has around 80-130 calories enriched with potassium, vitamins, and fiber which makes it a low-calorie breakfast. Citrus food like orange provides a high level of vitamin C. One large orange is sufficient to fulfill the daily intake of vitamin C.

Eating more fruit makes you healthier than those who do not consume them. Even doctors recommend consuming fruits. Despite containing natural sugar, fruits have low energy density and take a while to chew. In addition, sugar is restricted to releasing too quickly into your bloodstream with the help of fiber.

You can add your yummy fruits to any of your breakfast delights like eggs, cottage cheese, or Greek yogurt to have a sustained balanced breakfast.

11. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are exceptionally healthy. It is rich in viscous fiber, which helps you feel full. Flaxseed is great for improving insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar levels. It also fights against breast cancer.

Put some flaxseed to your Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or a smoothie and the antioxidant content of your breakfast.

Ensure you grind them before consuming them as whole flaxseed cannot be absorbed by your gut and will pass through your system.

14grams (2 tablespoons) of ground flaxseed has an intake of 3 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. (7)

12. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is incredible breakfast food.

Lean dairy products like cottage cheese are a great way to consume more protein intake in your diet without additional calories. Dairy products tend to be high in protein and cottage cheese increases metabolism. Cottage cheese contains little fat. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is found in full-fat cottage cheese which helps in weight loss.

Consuming cottage cheese can boost your protein intake significantly. Being satiated will leave you full of low-calorie intake as it decreases levels of hunger hormones called ghrelin. Rich in calcium makes it effective to burn fat. Other low-fat, high-protein dairy products include Greek yogurt and skyr.

One cup of cottage cheese provides an impressive 25 grams of protein. You can make it scrumptious by adding some berries and ground flaxseeds or chopped nuts. It will be full of nutrients and taste.

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